A better way

RISE Supervision Curriculum

Don’t even think of providing supervision without reading this!

Note: we are unable to ship hard copies outside the US therefore non US customers will receive the PDF version of the curriculum.

Author: Amelia Dalphonse, MA, BCBA

Amelia Dalphonse, MA, BCBA, co-founded Master ABA with her twin sister, Dianna Kelly, bringing over 13 years of expertise in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Passionate about prioritizing client needs, Amelia earned a Master’s degree in ABA and became a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

At Master ABA, Amelia and Dianna lead with innovation, emphasizing client-centered care to drive meaningful change. As an ACE provider, they’ve established the institution as a hub for progressive ABA practices, inspiring others to adopt compassionate and ethical approaches.

Through her role at Master ABA, Amelia advocates for advancing the ABA field with empathy and integrity. She stays abreast of the latest research, continuously seeking opportunities for professional growth.

Amelia’s leadership and dedication continue to shape the ABA community, empowering practitioners to prioritize client well-being. Together with her sister, she envisions a future where ethical values drive positive change in ABA practices.

She just didn’t get it – and it was my fault!.

And I felt like a failure.

I was shocked when I walked into a clinic room to see one of the BCBA candidates I was working with giving one of the kids a piggyback ride. The learner’s plan included strategies to improve transitions but did not include piggyback rides. More concerning was this learner’s tendency to bite. I told the staff that carrying the child on her back presented an opportunity for the child to bite her and it put unnecessary strain on her back as he was 60 pounds of energy.

She could have been seriously hurt.

When I intervened, she gave me her standard response: “I had a plan, you interrupted my plan.”

So did I, but it just wasn’t working!

After that, things escalated. She expressed frustration with my supervision style, and I responded by saying that it’s my job to provide feedback and guidance. The conversation, while mostly professional, took a less-than supportive turn. She nearly left our company and I felt completely unable to reach her.

Clearly I needed to make a change. I took a step back, spent time reflecting on research and past supervision experiences and come up with a better plan.

Note: we are unable to ship hard copies outside the US therefore non US customers will receive the PDF version of the curriculum.

The Problem with Supervision

Because trainees and supervisors are overwhelmed trying to complete their daily tasks and reinforcement for following your advice is neither immediate or certain, the reality is grim:

  • Many trainees don’t get, or put into action, the guidance they need during supervision sessions.
  • Even those that do follow your advice, this change is often short-lived.
  • Meaning their clients don’t receive the care they need to reach their full potential.

But that’s not the end of it—the problem’s actually worse than that!

  • You spend endless hours scheduling and rescheduling supervision sessions, trying to come up with strategies that will be meaningful for your trainees.
  • Most trainees don’t feel supported during supervision, even when you’re doing your best, so it’s a waste of your time and resources to continue as you are.
  • Plus, clients may end up in services longer than necessary if effective strategies aren’t implemented.

Perhaps worst of all, ABA has developed a reputation for fraudulent billing practices and having a focus on profit over client care. Insurance companies are becoming increasingly skeptical of requests for a large number of direct service hours and your trainees’ clients’ insurance coverage is at risk if sufficient progress isn’t made during services. This makes effective supervision more important than ever.

Traditional supervision is time-consuming to prepare for, or worse, just doesn’t work – and your reputation is on the line!

But luckily for you, there’s now a solution to your challenges with supervision. Introducing the RISE Supervision Curriculum which provides you:

  • 24 lessons with assignments and quizzes that cover important topics in easy-to-understand language.
  • 1 lesson to help you learn what gets in the way of successful supervision – and how to fix it!
  • Sample documents and templates to save you time and effort.
  • Simple structure to reduce trainees’ – and your – feeling of overwhelm

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Hi, my name is Amelia Dalphonse. By now, you’re probably wondering…who am I and how can I make these claims?

  • Like you, I’m a BCBA. I work with autistic children, their families and ABA professionals to help them achieve their highest potential.
  • My passion is helping new professionals in the field avoid many of the pitfalls I experienced early on in my career and I have years of experience helping trainees reach their goals.
  • Because of my own struggles early on when I received supervision, I have invested tons of time experimenting with different tactics to provide the best supervision possible for those entering the field.
  • I took my top tips and strategies and used them to create the RISE Supervision Curriculum.

What’s Included with the RISE Supervision Curriculum?

The RISE Supervision Curriculum provides a complete, unique, actionable curriculum to foster a partnership with trainees that leads to more effective instruction and a willingness to use follow through on your guidance.


Act now, and you can get the RISE Supervision Curriculum for less than half price – plus get 8 exclusive bonuses!

RISE PDF Offer Stack no price updated

Note: we are unable to ship hard copies outside the US therefore non US customers will receive the PDF version of the curriculum.

Because I want each of you to feel the excitement – and the relief – that comes with fixing the problems with effective supervision, I’m offering the RISE Supervision Curriculum for a special price! But I don’t know how long I’ll keep this discount in place so order NOW!

Choose the RISE Supervision Curriculum Format that’s Right for You!

The paper format is perfect for reviewing 1-on-1 with trainees during supervision sessions and for trainees who are less tech savvy. Consider ordering a copy for trainees to take home with them!

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The PDF format is perfect for trainees who are able to work more independently. Give them a copy to review prior to supervision sessions so they are prepared with questions!

Note: we are unable to ship hard copies outside the US therefore non US customers will receive the PDF version of the curriculum.